Monday, March 17, 2008

Class Notes

Class Notes for April 28 2008

Today's Powerpoint

Class Notes for April 25 2008

Today's Powerpoint

Class Notes April 25 2008
1) Topic and Goals for today
2) Get out your current draft of the reflective letter
3) Last time we went over the basic structure and content of the body paragraphs
a. 1,2,3
4) We’re going to begin this morning with a brief proofreading and editing exercise.
a. You Be the judge:
i. Structure exercise.
1. 1) Identify which of the three parts are missing, and then re-write this paragraph so that it follows the structure we have been talking about
2. Example
3. We also know that, when we write, we need to make sure that we are following a number of other writing rules, some of which include:
4. Specificity (Sensory Details)
5. Concise sentences: No run-on sentences or sentence fragments
6. Appropriate tense
7. When and if we use commas, we need to know why we are using them.
8. Correctly Using quotations (the three-step process)
9. Language appropriate for an Academic document.
ii. However, we also know that if we look for all of these things at once, we are likely to overlook many of the errors that we could otherwise correct if we were performing a focused proofreading.
1. Content Exercise:
a. Re-write the following paragraph, proofreading only for the following issues (ignore the rest):
i. Specificity
ii. Run-on Sentences
iii. Language appropriate for an Academic document.
iii. Now that we have preformed this proofreading exercise, I want you to exchange your Reflective letter draft with someone who grew up with a pet this is different than one of the pets you grew up with.
iv. Okay, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the paper, read the introduction, thesis and first body paragraph. Now we are going to proofread first for structure:
v. Now we are going to perform a focused proofread for Specificity, Run-on Sentences, and Language appropriate for an Academic Document.
vi. Give people back their papers.
1. We need to make sure that we have transitions and a summary for this paper
2. Paper draft is due on Monday
3. Part II: Your Draft.
4. Group work, explain why someone should want to read this paper: what are its strengths?
5. Go around and talk about this
6. Divide class into groups by paper: Within these groups, establish who will proofread for what, swap:
7. Paper 4 Returned.

However, we also know that if we look for all of these things at once, we are likely to overlook many of the errors that we could otherwise correct if we were performing a focused proofreading.
– Content Exercise:
– Re-write the following paragraph, proofreading only for the following issues (ignore the rest):
– Specificity
– Run-on Sentences
– Language appropriate for an Academic document.

Class Notes for April 23 2008

Today's Powerpoint

Class Notes For April 23 2008
1) Papers will be returned on Friday
2) Get out your writing for today
3) On the back of your paper: Answer three questions about the writing
4) Last time we did not have quite enough time to go over the thesis paragraph, so I want to do that for a few moments.
5) Now that we have reviewed what we need to do in our introduction and thesis paragraphs, we need to begin thinking about our body paragraphs.
6) As has been the case all semester, your body paragraphs will follow the structure you lay down in your thesis paragraph.
a. You will begin by focusing on one paper.
i. Begin with a topic sentence that tells the reader about what you learned about writing or how this paper improved as you went through the writing process.
1. For example: As I was drafting my narrative essay, “What I Did On My Summer Vacation,” I used sensory details to help convey my experiences in New York to the reader. For example, when I first described a trip I took to Central Park on the Subway, I simply wrote,” The train took us to Central Park.” However, after we discussed the importance of sensory details and specificity in class, I re-wrote the sentence to better describe the experience. I wrote, “The old, rusty subway train raced across the city, and dropped us off at Central Park before racing back underground.”
iii. You will also want to focus on at least one other area in which you improved while you were working on this draft.
1. For example: When I started this paper, I was writing in sentence fragments and run-on sentences. For example, I wrote “The trip was the adventure of a lifetime and I knew that I would remember this for the rest of my life.” After discussing sentence structure in class, I learned that this sentence needed to have a comma before the “and” to make it grammatically correct. I re-wrote this sentence, and many others to make my paper easier to read. This knowledge will make me a better writer.
7) You are here today with one of the papers you would like to include in you portfolio. What I would like to do over the next 5-10 mins is have you go through the paper and identify the current weaknesses in the paper. Even if you are relatively happy with the grade, you need to make sure that this paper is the absolute best it can be.

Class notes for April 21 2008

Today's Power Point:

Class Notes for April 18 2008

Today's Power Point

Class notes for April 18 2007
Revising Paper 4
Last time we revised your introductions and thesis statements.

 In your reflection journal, I want you to write for the next 5-7 minutes on what you changed, and how you changed it. How is your intro better now than it was when you came to class on Wednesday? How is your Thesis paragraph better?
 Exchange and read
 Body Paragraphs:

o 1) Begin by describing a class you have taken, and the skills you have learned in that class that you will be able to use to solve the problems.
o Go into SPECIFIC DETAIL about how you will use these skills
o Conclude by pointing out what you hope the effect of your efforts will be.

1) In courses such as Introduction to Accounting, I am learning basic techniques for managing money, including how to draw up a monthly budget and how to balance checking and savings accounts.

2) With these skills, I can write a step-by-step plan for students that will shop them how to not only save their income, but also how to set and stick to reasonable financial goals. For example, if a student has a part time job and a little extra money, my plan will show them how to save and keep track of that money so that it will be there for them when it is time to apply to colleges.

3) While my step-by-step plan will be useful for students, It’s also important that they have a chance to hear directly from me about the best ways for preparing for college. Fortunately, I have taken a Speech class at Husson, and the skills I have learned in this course will help me communicate directly with students from my high school.

Now we need to swap papers with someone who’s first name has at least one letter that is also in our first name.
Once you have the paper, you need to go through the A paragraphs and see if the writer is doing the three basic things they are supposed to do in this paragraph.
Find Someone wearing similar shoes, and swap with them. Look at their B paragraphs
Find someone who was born in a different month. Look at their C paragraphs.

Now we need to look for sources. Where are they? Are they cited correctly both in the text and on the works cited page? A paper without sources will be given an automatic F, with no chance of revision.

Class Notes for April 16, 2008

Today's Power Point:

Class Notes for April 17 2008
1) What will we be covering today
2) Review End-of-Term Syllabus
3) In-Class Writing Prompt:

a. Imagine that you have been ABDUCTED BY ALIENS. These slimly, slug-eating monsters are DEMANDING that you write ONE PARAGRAPH that INTRODUCES them to the BASIC SKILLS you have learned this semester. If the introduction is an EXAMPLE of GOOD WRITING, then they will LET YOU GO!

b. Exchange: Pass in Papers: Now Imagine that YOU ARE the alien. Read the paragraph. If it is well written, put a star at the top of the page. PROVIDE THREE SUGGESTIONS for how it could be improved.

4) Paper 4:
a. Prompt for Paper 4
b. We have a start, but we still have some serious work to do before we are finished with these papers
i. Pass back drafts. As always, these drafts are graded as if they were final drafts.
ii. Remember the PROMPT
iii. What were you supposed to do in your introduction?
1. Identify the problem
2. Identify who is being affected by the problem
3. Provide a general explanation of how you can solve the problem
iv. Let’s look at a good example of an introduction.
c. Now look at your introduction: What is it missing, if anything: Write a paragraph on how it could be improved on the back of your paper.
i. Group Discussion: How can you make your INTRODUCTION better
d. Thesis Paragraph:
i. What do you have to do in your THESIS PARAGRAPH
1. 1) Propose a solution to the problem
2. Identify the specific skills you have learned in classes at HUSSON COLLEGE that will help you address this problem.
3. Let’s look at a good example of an introduction.
4. Now look at your introduction. What’s missing? How can you improve what you have? Write an answer. Discuss in your groups.

Class Notes for April 14, 2008

Class Notes For April 11, 2008

Today's Powerpoint:

1) Writing Exercise
a. For the next 5-7 minutes, I am going to give you permission to write BADLY. You are to write on the following topic: The worst meal I have ever eaten, or could ever imagine eating. You do not need to follow ANY of the rules I have taught you this semester. Indeed, I would prefer it if you did not. I only ask that you write approximately one page of material.
2) Class Discussion:
a. How do we proofread? What are the steps>?
3) The Proofreading Process:
a. Find an appropriate place to proofread.
b. Review your assignment
c. Review your draft.
d. Before you do anything, identify the KINDS of mistakes you have made
i. Are there certain kinds of grammar mistakes, such as sentence fragments or run-on sentences?
ii. Are you overusing one or more words in a paragraph?
iii. Are there lots of comma mistakes? If so, we need to find ways to shorten our sentences ?
iv. Are there structural issues? Have you failed to follow part of the structure for the paper?
e. Let’s pass our writing to someone nearby. Your job over the next 5-7 minutes is to find as MANY problems in this writing as you can, and to offer as MANY solutions as you can. When you finish, the paper should be quite messy with corrections.
f. Now that you have your paper back, let’s begin by looking at the kinds of corrections people have made. What are the TOP THREE problems in your paper? Write these problems down in a list.
g. This list is going to be your guide. Take your writing and, on another sheet, re-write it, keeping an eye out for these three general kinds of problems.
h. We are now going to pass the paper to someone else. They are going to look for MORE SPECIFIC kinds of problems:
i. 1) Do the ideas connect?
ii. Does the author use specific details?
iii. Are there are weird word choices?
iv. To these paragraphs appear to have a structure?
v. Again, I would like you to edit for these issues.
i. Hand the paper back. Look at the corrections, and rewrite.
j. The important thing to remember is that PROOFREADING is a process, one that takes time, and that is DONE IS PHASES.

Class Notes for April 9 2008

Class Power Point for today:

Class Notes For April 9 2008
1) Get out 1st draft of Paper 4
a. Reflection Journal
b. Who thinks they wrote a good intro?
i. Thesis paragraph
ii. Used Sources well?
iii. Has good transitions?
2) Let’s look at one section of the paper.
a. Rotate Once
b. Rotate Twice

3) What was easier about this draft?
a. What was harder?

Logic and Reason

Reason: a basis or cause for some belief, action, fact, event, etc
Logic: a system of reasoning

Example 1:

It’s February. It’s -40 below. Your car won’t start. Your Mom calls you from work and asks that you pick her up in a half hour. You tell her that you can’t come get het because the car won’t story. She says that you are not telling the truth, and that you just don’t want to go out in the cold.

Provide a Reasonable and Persuasive explanation:

Example 2:

You are in bus station watching television. The show you are watching is your favorite show, and it is reaching the best part of the show. Someone walks over and changes the channel.

Provide a reasonable and persuasive explanation for why the channel should be turned back.

Example 3:

Your family has just moved into a new house. You are in the basement doing laundry. You feel a “presence.” Suddenly the there is a BANG. The lights go out. Everyone runs out of the house. The next day, no one can find the cat. Grandma says the cat was taken by a ghost – the same ghost that turned out the lights.

Provide a reasonable and Persuasive explanation that either supports or disproves Grandma’s theory.

Class Power Point for April 7 2008

Class Notes for FRIDAY April 4 2008

Class Notes for April 4 2008
Today’s Power Point:

1) Let’s begin class today with your Introductions and Thesis paragraphs
a. Last time we talked about what the benchmarks for these paragraphs would be.
i. Introduction:
1. Tells the reader know what, and where, the problem.

2. Provides the reader with some specific details about the problem

3. Concludes by proposing a general solution to the problem
ii. Circulate papers:
1. Presume that there is something wrong with this writing. Given the benchmarks we have talked about, what is wrong? Point it out to the writer in a 4-5 well-written sentences.

2. Once you get your paper back, let’s take a second to brainstorm on how we can improve what we have.
iii. Thesis paragraph

1. Begins by explaining to the reader that you can address, or solve, the problem with the skills you are learning in your major

2. Tell the reader how the skills you are learning in one class will be useful

3. Tell the reader how the skills in another class will be useful

4. Tell the reader how the skills you are learning in yet another class will be useful

5. Conclude by letting the reader know what the potential outcome of your solution will be.

b. Today we are going to address. The first body paragraph. Let’s think about the specific skills you are saying will be useful. Pre-writing exercise: Cluster, List, Questions, Free write?
c. Once we have thought about that, let’s pre-write for a moment on the problem you are address. Which aspects of your problem could be addressed with the skills you have just identified?
d. Draft paragraph
e. Repeat b. and. c .for your B paragraphs

Class Notes for April 2 2008:

1) Papers, still working on them. Will return on Friday

Today's Powerpoint:

2) Get out the homework that I asked you to produce for today.
a. Swap with someone near you.
b. Read their paragraph and then answer three questions:

i. What is the problem being identified
ii. Who does the problem effect
iii. What are some challenges that you think the author will face as they attempt to solve this problem?

Intro Example:
In Reindeer, Maine, only 54% of graduating high school seniors go on to college or university. There are many reasons for why students choose to end their formal education when they graduate. Some want to go to work immediately, while others simply believe that they will not be able to manage the social and academic responsibilities that come with a post-secondary education. However, one of the most important factors for students in my hometown is a lack of financial resources. If students could graduate high school with a better understanding of how to both find and save money for college, I believe they will be more likely to pursue higher education.

What does this paragraph do well?
How does it do it?

3) Now that we have identified a problem, we need to begin thinking about our thesis paragraph:

a. In your thesis statement, provide a general explanation for how the problem can be solved.

Thesis: As a business major at Husson College, I am learning skills I can use to help high school students from my hometown prepare for college.

A Sentence: In courses such as Introduction to Accounting, I am learning basic techniques for managing money, including how to draw up a monthly budget and how to balance checking and savings accounts.

B Sentence: In my Speech class, I am learning how to communicate complex ideas to a general audience. With these skills, I can plan and present a speech to high school students from my hometown on how to manage their money

C Sentence: However, perhaps the most valuable thing I could share would be details about my own personal financial experiences in higher education. By explaining how I have saved and managed my own money, I think I could serve as a great role model from students who are worried about the financial commitments that come with higher education.

If we put these ideas together, we get this:

In courses such as Introduction to Accounting, I am learning basic techniques for managing money, including how to draw up a monthly budget and how to balance checking and savings accounts. In my Speech class, I am learning how to communicate complex ideas to a general audience. With these skills, I can plan and present a speech to high school students from my hometown on how to manage their money. However, perhaps the most valuable thing I could share would be details about my own personal financial experiences in higher education. By explaining how I have saved and managed my own money, I think I could serve as a great role model from students who are worried about the financial commitments that come with higher education.

Notice that there are some good ideas here, but that the author has yet to tie together the individual sentences. We do this with sentence-to-sentence transitions.

Let’s talk about the reading for today:

What is the problem?
What is the solution?
How does the author explain the solution?

Homework for Friday:
For Friday, I want you to draft your introduction and thesis paragraph for this paper. I also want you to find FIVE SOURCES and put them into MLA format.

Class Notes March 31 2008
Today's PowerPoint:

• Get out Final Draft of Paper 3

o Reflection Journal Entry #2: Generally describe the writing process you went through while composing this paper. What was most difficult? What was most rewarding? How are you improving as a writer?

• Paper Four:

o In this assignment, you are to identify one problem in either your hometown, your place of employment, or Husson College that you could solve with the skills you are learning in your major.

o To begin this paper, you will need to pre-write on the following topic: What could I do to make where I live and work a better place for myself and other people? Think about a persistent issue, something that you have recognized as a problem for a long time, but that is not getting better.

o You will need to come up with a three-step plan for solving the problem, and be able to describe each step in significant detail.

o This paper will require three properly cited sources. These sources will include a Student Interview, a Professor/Professional Interview, and a Document.

• Prewriting Exercise (1):

o What are some of the skills you are learning – or will learn – as you progress through your major?

o What are some basic problems that exist in either your hometown, your place of employment, or at Husson College?

o Now that we have thought about these issues a little bit, let’s think about how, or if, you might help resolve these issues with the skills you are learning.

• Prewriting Exercise (2):

o How can the problem you have identified be resolved? Let’s begin to generate a three-step plan.

• Homework: 2 Paragraphs

o Paragraph (1): Introduce the reader to the problem you will be addressing in your paper. Here are some questions to think about:

 What is the problem?
 Where is it?
 Who does it affect?
 Have any attempts already been made to correct it?

• Paragraph (2): How will your major prepare you to solve this problem? Next, describe three general steps that you will take to correct, or address this problem. Here are some questions to think about:

 What will you need to do to GET READY to address the problem?
 Who will help you address the problem?
 What will you do when you set about correcting the problem?

FOR WEDNESDAY: Read 349-356
Write: One Paragraph Introduction on a PROBLEM you can FIX or ADDRESS with the SKILLS your are learning at HUSSON.

Class notes for March 28 2008

Power Point Presentation for Today:

• MLA: Quick Review of In-text citation
a. “End” or “Work Cited”
b. You need to include a “Works Cited” page in your final draft.
i. How to cite an interview in your Works Cited page: 763
You will be responsible for citing correctly in your final draft

• In-Class Writing Assignment
a. Over the past two weeks, you have been writing about why you are majoring in your major. What have you learned about your major over the past two weeks that you did not know before? Has this knowledge changed your understanding of your major? If so, how? If not, then why not?

b. Discuss your writing in small groups.

• Let’s think back on our High School experiences. If you could change something about your high school to make it better for the students that are currently there, what would you change? How would you make it better? Why?
In-class Reading:

The following is an argument that someone sent to the Bangor Daily News this week. Don’t worry about the thesis. Ask yourself, what is wrong with this argument:

Suggested cuts

If the governor is really serious about saving money, here are a few suggestions:

The chancellor system at the University of Maine: Work to abolish it. I think it is another layer of administration and, although we might lose some prestige, is it cost-effective?

Jails: Make it mandatory for repeat offenders to serve their sentence at hard labor —I mean break rocks to serve their time.

Department of Transportation: Lay off one half of the workers and put the other half to work. How many years has it been since they cut trees and brush along the roadway? Many of these trees cause ice buildup on the roads in winter. And after all the years and advances in technology they haven’t found any material that will stay in the numerous potholes. It’s long past due for the department to have an overhaul.

Class Notes for March 26, 2008
1) Paper Three Draft 1
2) Grades: No Grade or C-, then you need to see me ASAP.
3) PowerPoint Presentation on Problems with Paper 3

4) MLA
5) Final Draft of PAPER 3 DUE MONDAY MARCH 31, 2008
a. 4 full pages
b. Times New Roman, 12
c. Double Spaced
d. Introduction:
i. 6-8 Sentences that introduce your major to your reader.
e. Thesis Paragraph
i. Thesis statement explaining why you are majoring in your major
f. ABCD Paragraphs
ii. Quote that follows the three-step process + Correct MLA citation.
iii. Explanation of how Husson will prepare you for this aspect of your education.
iv. Each paragraph should be at least 6-8 sentences long.
g. Paragraph to Paragraph transitions
h. Summary

Class Notes for March 24 2008

1) Writing Center Information
2) Get out a clean piece of paper. This will be the first page of your REFLECTION JOURNAL

a. 10 Min Reflection on First draft
i. How did you research this paper?
ii. How did you write this paper?
iii. Which resources were the easiest to locate?
iv. Which resources were the hardest to locate?
v. How did you proofread this paper?
vi. Looking back over the writing you have done this semester, what do you think your greatest improvement has been so far? Where are you still struggling?

3) Now we are going to have the opportunity to proofread each others work. We are going to do this by breaking into sections:

a. Intro group
b. Thesis Paragraph group
c. ABC Paragraph Group
d. Transition and Summary group

4) Open your Books to 750
a. MLA style. People can use all kinds of sources, but how do we know that they
are using the right sources?
b. In-text Citations
c. Cite at the end of a text

Notes for Class for Friday, March 21 2008

1) Last time, we talked about how you are to take the ABCD SENTENCES from your THESIS PARAGRAPH and expand them into your ABCD PARAGRAPHS


a. 1) Begin each of your ABCD PARAPGRAPHS with a re-worded version of one of your ABCD SENTENCES. For your A PARAGRAPH, re-write your A SENTENCE. For your B PARAGRAPH, use your B SENTENCE, ect.

Each re-worded sentence will be the TOPIC SENTENCE for its parargaph.

i. For example, if my A SENTENCE is “Majoring in Nursing will lead to a variety of employment opportunities," then the TOPIC SENTENCE for my A PARAGRAPH would be something like, “Nursing students will find that there are numerous jobs they can hold after graduation.”

2) After you have written your TOPIC SENTENCE, you should begin the three-step process for using a quote.

a. 1) Introduction your quote: “According to Dr. Jones,…”

b. Present your quote: According to Dr. Jones, “Nursing majors can be hired in occupations as varied as travel nurses, operating room nurses, and in the home care fields.”

c. Explain how your quote supports your thesis. “If a nursing major can choose to go into exciting fields like these, then a student may want to major in nursing because it is a major that can lead to work opportunities in a number of different areas. This may be attractive to students who want to move around the nation and the world as they are progressing through their professional careers.”

d. *** But remember that, when you are done, the paragraph should be 6-8 sentences long. This means you will need to probably write 3-4 sentences of explanation.***

3) If you have MORE to say about the topic you addressed in your A SENTENCE, then write another paragraph, following the same pattern. Once you have said all you have to say about your A SENTENCE, it is time to move on your B PARAGRAPH.

To write your B PARAGRAPH, follow the same basic pattern you followed for your A PARAGRAPH. Then do the same for your C and D PARAGRAPHS.

4) Once you have completed your ABCD PARAGRAPHS, you are ready to write your SUMMARY. Your SUMMARY should include re-worded versions of your THESIS STATEMENT and the ABCD SENTENCES from your THESIS PARAGRAPHS.


Class Notes for March 19 2008

1) Get out writing homework
2) What went well? What was hard?
3) Exchange papers look for:

a. An introduction that uses specific details
b. A Thesis paragraph with a:
i. A thesis statement
ii. An “A” Sentence
iii. A “B” Sentence
iv. A “C” Sentence

4) If you cannot find these things in the paper, then you need to tell the writer that you cannot find them.

5) For Friday, what am I expecting?
6) Library Visit


Length: 3-4 pages

Font: Times New Roman, size 12

Double Spaced

1) Introduction

3) Thesis paragraph

4) A, B, C paragraphs that follow this structure:
a. Each of your ABC paragraphs should begin with a TOPIC SENTENCE. The topic sentence is essentially a re-worded version of the A, B,or C sentence you included in your THESIS PARAGRAPH. After your TOPIC SENTENCE, you need to INTRODUCE YOUR QUOTE. Make sure to identify the source. Example, “According to Dr. Jones…”

b. After you introduce your quote, you need to INCLUDE your quote. Example: According to Dr. Jones, “If you major in criminal justice, there will be many job opportunities waiting for you when you graduate.”

c. After you include your quote, you need to EXPLAIN in detail how the quote supports your paragraph’s TOPIC SENTENCE and your paper’s THESIS. For example, Dr. Jones comments support my believe that criminal justice is a great major for any student who wants to make sure that they will be employed after they graduate. Criminal Justice is an exciting filed with many work possibilities, and by majoring in Criminal Justice students can open many doors of opportunity for themselves.

REMEMBER: A paragraph needs to be 6-8 sentences long, so it is a good idea to spend 3or 4 sentences EXPLAINING how your quote supports both your TOPIC SENTENCE and your THESIS

ALSO REMEMBER: It is okay to have more than one paragraph that relates to your A, B, or C sentences. Just repeat the above steps to write these paragraphs.

5) Summary

Good luck!

Class Notes March 17 2008

1) New Blog
2) Next Paper
3) What is your major?
4) What are five things you like about your major?
5) What are some resources you can use to find out more about your paper?
6) The three step process for using quotes.

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